Drive Through
by rpac62

You pull up to a drive-thru and make your order. Choose wisely.

Cover art

"What did you do..." (That wasn't a question)
by Sophia D.

Your mom is expecting an answer. Unfortunately, you're a recipe for disaster.

Cover art

Battle of the Businesses
by Dararrtu Abdullahi

This is a competitive game about two business owners that are approached by a marketing firm, but only one can be chosen to be represented. We learn about the nature of rivalry through our passions.

Cover art

Race to 30
by Mihika Agarwal

You yearn to be 30 and have your life together—a career, a husband, and a home. But first, you must navigate a difficult set of decisions and make it through your 20s...

Summer 2019
by Evan

Getting over the human version of heroin.

Cover art

Are You Sure?
by Janos Honkonen

A piece of interactive fiction created for the NarraScope 2020 Game Jam. It's a story about a relationship, an uninvited guest and a very confusing morning. (Cover: Fred Dawson, CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0)

PSY2220 Class Case Study
by Professor Celeste Sangiorgio

This interactive text story simulates a first-appointment therapist interview with a family and child. Hover text to investigate patient statements further.

Books are for Rainy Days
by A/Z.

I hate the rain, and I'm sure you do too! And books, they are perfect for these occasions.

49 – 63 out of 63 stories in the Slice of Life genre